Assistant Professor in Electronic Measurements

Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics

University of Siena, Via Roma, 56 - 53100 Siena (Italy)

Tel: +39 0577 234850 EXT 1042

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Check the updated publication list on the Google Scholar account.


Ph.D. in Reliability Availability and Logistics, University of Florence, Italy, 2003

Laurea Degree (110/110 cum Laude) in Electronics Engineering with major in Non Linear Automatic Controls, University of Florence, Italy, 1999

High School diploma from Liceo Scientifico Antonio Gramsci Firenze, Italy, 1993


Faculty and Professor at the Higher Colleges of Technology Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2012 - present

Assistant Professor at the University of Siena (Manager of the electronics training lab.), University of Siena, Italy, 2005-2012

Co-founder of the SENSIA SrL Company, Italy, 2008

Co-founder of the DESMOWEB SrL Company, Italy, 2009

Product Safety Engineer at General Electric (GE) Power System Oil and Gas Division with the responsibility of leading the design for safety of five production sites (AC Compressor, Gemini, Rotoflow, Thermodyn, PII), Florence, Italy, 2003-2005.

Consultant for Borri Industrial Power Solutions S.p.A. 2002-2011

Consultant for Astrid Energy Enterprises S.p.A. 1999-2000

Teacher and Consultant for CETACE, Magnetek S.p.A. 1999-2000

Teacher IFOA relating to areas of reliability for electronics and mechanics. 1999

Professional and organizing scientific activities

IEEE Member since 2003

In 2003 Marco Mugnaini received the award for the best National Ph.D. thesis in the maintenance context from CNIM (National Italian Center for Maintenance)

Editor in Chief of International Journal of Instrumentation Technology

Associate Editor of International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Drives Organizing committee member of IEEE student competition UAE, 2013

Director of the educational Electronics and Electronic Measurement Laboratory

2006 RAV member (Faculty auto evaluation board)

Member of the Board of Electronic and Telecommunication Branch since 2010

Associate Technical Program Chair for the following Conferences: IEEE Sensor application Symposium (IEEE SAS) IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices SSD IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement I2MTC

Rector delegate for the Safety Manager Intra Faculty Regional Organization since 2010

Reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement, for IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks Journals, JCST and IEEE IMSC coordinator.